Missing Daddy Phone Sex
Missing Daddy Phone Sex
When Daddy goes out of town ... I get so sad. I hate going to bed at night because I get so lonely! I have to just lay there in a cute little white panties that Daddy got me, his special little girl. But that doesn't help the feeling of loneliness that creeps in throughout the night. I have to just lay there, close my eyes and imagine that Daddy is right there laying next to me. I move my hands and I imagine that those hands are Daddy's hands, I imagine that Daddy is touching me in all my special little spots that only Daddy knows. I love it when Daddy slides his hands right inside my sweet little pussy and he rubs me until I cum all over his fingers! That's my favorite! So it's awful when Daddy is out of town. But at least we have the phone, right Daddy? You can always call me and we can pretend we are together having fun!

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