Panty Boys Phone Sex
Who doesn’t love to wear a good pair of panties? I am a panty whore! I have so many pairs that it should be illegal! I love getting calls from panty boys! I love hearing them describe their panties for me! I love telling them all about my panties too. Then it’s time for some mutual masturbation with me and my panty boys! We both get to play and cum in our panties. We do other fun things too but well I can’t give away all the secrets that my panty boys and I have on the phone! Give me a call if you want to find out more details or if you’d like to have some panty fun of your own! I also like to have my panties boys buy me sexy panties!!!! Feel free to check out my wish list for some sexy panties you can buy me! Or tip me and have the money go towards my panty fund! I love Victoria’s Secret panties! Feel free to drop in their and pick out some panties for yourself and get me a gift card!!! I will send you sexy pics of the panties I buy!!! I can’t wait to have some sexy panty fun with my panty boys!!!
(866) 531- 5435
EXT: 260
Girl Next Door Phone Sex
Kinky Prego Abby The knocked up Prostitute
I have always been a slut. I have always been a kinky slutty whore. I mean I was raised in a Nevada whore house on the edge of nowhere. I grew up thinking that’s what a woman does and if she likes it she will be happy. If she sees sex as a chore or an obligation then shes always going to be miserable.
Face it even in those fancy cookie cutter houses sex is what makes the wheels turn. Mommy gives Daddy a Blowie and she gets a nice piece of jewelry. Daddy gives Mommy a good hard fucking to keep her satisfied and in line … that’s how the wheels of life work.
Fucking is what makes the world revolve. Me I grew up knowing the worth of a good fuck. I like to fuck and have always liked to fuck even when I was too young to fuck… I started masturbating as soon as my tiny hands could find my cunt… and I really like touching my pussy.. I will turn a trick then masturbate to finish myself off. I love to cum and I love to be hard core…. What about you?
(866) 531- 5435
EXT: 390
Let Me Tell You About My First Time …
Let me tell you about my first phone sex call; For shits and giggles my girlfriends and I would have fun by calling those life chat lines like on the TV. One night I was in my room on my princess phone scrolling thru the greeting. And I hear a really sexy voice of a guy and his greetings says, “I stroke my cock to my sisters picture every night”.
Well that just got me so fucking hot I sent him a message… “HEY big brother… what ya got there? ….. and send him my number to call.
I went and took a shower and as the warm water and soap ran off my skin I leaned my back against the wall and angel the spray to hit right against my clit as I put my leg up the wall and finger fuck myself like a whore in heat till I felt the wave of energy and peace flood over me.
As I am drying off my phone rings … “Hello…
“Sis what are you doing tonight”
“Get out of this bathroom and let me finish drying off before I tell MOM”
“Go ahead and tell I will show them this…” as he plays a recording of me masturbating in my room with a pop bottle. My face turned beet red and I lowered my eyes.
“Now on your knees sis… I want to stroke my cock in your face and blow my load all over it.” “Now lick my balls little whore he says as he reaches around and crams his fingers in my cunt.”
I started to protest till he hit that spot and my orgasm exploded all over ….
I was a bit pissed that he groaned and hung up but my knees were weak and I just wanted to rest… I think I have found a new way to tuck myself in at night… mmmm PHONE SEX ROLE PLAY rocks.
Ext: 917
Missing Daddy Phone Sex
Missing Daddy Phone Sex
When Daddy goes out of town ... I get so sad. I hate going to bed at night because I get so lonely! I have to just lay there in a cute little white panties that Daddy got me, his special little girl. But that doesn't help the feeling of loneliness that creeps in throughout the night. I have to just lay there, close my eyes and imagine that Daddy is right there laying next to me. I move my hands and I imagine that those hands are Daddy's hands, I imagine that Daddy is touching me in all my special little spots that only Daddy knows. I love it when Daddy slides his hands right inside my sweet little pussy and he rubs me until I cum all over his fingers! That's my favorite! So it's awful when Daddy is out of town. But at least we have the phone, right Daddy? You can always call me and we can pretend we are together having fun!

EXT: 262

(866) 531-5435
EXT: 309
It has been a really long time since I've taken on any new losers. But now that I am back into collecting pathetic losers, I have decided to add on to my little list of losers. My newest Loser is Glen ... Glen is a FAT losers who cannot lose weight. Today he sent me a picture of his weight on the scale and he is at 242 lbs ... So yeah Glen is fucking FAT! But Glen is determined to become the kind of loser I want him to be. He bought me some sexy lingerie and I cannot wait to get it in the mail and send him a few shots of myself in the lingerie and show him what he is missing out on being a pathetic fat fuck! Maybe one day Glen will be the perfect kind of loser! But for now he gets to just enjoy me from a far and he can fantasies about being with me!