Pay Off The Hottie
It sure does pay off to be hot like me. It also helps to be smart and creative too. I constantly have guys falling at my feet, wanting to worship me and devote their life to me. I enjoy that. I have a thing for weak men. I love to control them, to own them, and to fuck with them. I love having guys pay me off too. I am constantly having guys pay me, some guys pay me just to talk to me. I have other guys pay me because they have little dicks. I have some guys pay me because they are complete losers. I get guys to pay me for everything! They pay me for my time, They pay me to go shopping. They pay me to send them pics of the stuff they bought me! Eventually, I get guys who want to pay me so that I can release them. I love having a guy that I own beg me to be free. Sometimes I will let them pay me off to be free but the funny thing is … they always come back to me. Because even when they are free they can’t stay away from me for long. Isn’t that right Cam boy? Haha …. I let you free and then you came back to me. You realize that life without me isn’t worthwhile is it? Nope. Life is so much better with a hottie in it and you know it. Not sure I will let you off so easy this time. You had your freedom and it obviously wasn’t very good. Life is never good without me in it. All of you losers realize that sooner or later
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It has been a really long time since I've taken on any new losers. But now that I am back into collecting pathetic losers, I have decided to add on to my little list of losers. My newest Loser is Glen ... Glen is a FAT losers who cannot lose weight. Today he sent me a picture of his weight on the scale and he is at 242 lbs ... So yeah Glen is fucking FAT! But Glen is determined to become the kind of loser I want him to be. He bought me some sexy lingerie and I cannot wait to get it in the mail and send him a few shots of myself in the lingerie and show him what he is missing out on being a pathetic fat fuck! Maybe one day Glen will be the perfect kind of loser! But for now he gets to just enjoy me from a far and he can fantasies about being with me!